Game summary of 23 - 24 March 2007 (at Ivan's place)

document version 1.1, dated 13 January 2008

Baron Crayon

Baron Cadra

Baron Ballard


the Redeemer



Air Marshall Palmerin


Edge of the Precipe - Walk like an undead Egyptian - I fought the Dwarf and the Dwarf won

?? Reaping, CY 577, Rahotep’s Tomb


1                   All the party are either dead or dying. The only ones left standing are two dwarves, close to 0 hit points. They are surrounded by undead and the fate of the world is still in the balance. Yes, it’s just another day at the office for Cadra and Q.

2                   Considering the idea of trying to fight smart, the two dwarves decide to withdraw, regroup and then rescue their friends. First there are still two possessed parties and a horde of Acid skeletons and Electric Skeletons. The two dwarves decide to use a staged withdrawal.

Round 1

3                   Cadra charges Medinet. Acid Skeleton gets an attack of Opportunity on Cadra. Medinet raises his wand releasing Magic Missiles into the screaming charging Cadra. At the same time Q withdraws from combat forcing the enemy to follow if they want to still attack. enemy moves in on Cadra and Q

Round 2

(DM wins initiative, party slowed phase).

4                   The undead hammer the hammer bearer. Cadra is hit by an electric skeleton and an acid skeleton. The few hit points Cadra had are beginning to dwindle. Just to add salt to Cadra’s wounds, Medinet fires two Magic Missiles into him. Q makes a one square adjustment and kills Medinet. Q heart sinks killing a fellow party member but he knows that unless Cadra and he survive, there is no chance of saving the whole party. Now that Medinet is out of the picture, it leaves a clear path for Cadra to withdraw.

Round 3

(party wins initiative)

5                   Cadra moves back to the tunnel. Q withdraws back to the tunnel. Q has the tactical advantage fighting in a tunnel (unless it’s a flying scorpion); however, the dwarves are still vunerable like rats in a sewer pipe. As they start to move, the Khu of Rahotep passed through the wall , looks at the party and screeches and passes into the floor. Q starts calculating hazard pay into his reward (plus the cost of new breeches).

Round 4

(party wins initiative)

6                   Cadra makes a one square adjustment and then activates the Portable Hole. This tactical move should over the two some protection and a little time to think. If they could just get Palmarine to follow them, they may be able to save him without having to use the same technique as was used on Medinet. Q moves into hole and starts looking for anything that could aid them. Q sees sticking out from some coins a scroll case and some potions. He starts digging them out. Cadra watches in horror as Palmerin takes out the Blacken Sun and toss it out of sight towards the stairs. All is not lost as the stout hearted dwarf still has one of the nine evil objects, and Rhaotep won’t get it without a fight.

Round 5

(party wins initiative)

7                   Q pulls out the scroll, and as luck would have it, it contains a Monster Summoning VI spell. Q using his “Read Scroll” ability starts to cast off the scroll. The harnessed magical energies are almost too much for him to control (he has to use a character point to reroll his chance as the first one failed). Q feels that 3 monsters will appear within the next 1-3 rounds. They are:

8                   Feeling slightly smug at successfully casting a spell, Q suddenly realises that he has just summoned a gargantuan sized monster in a 10x10x6 hole. He starts scrambling like a madman out of there.

9                  The possessed Palmarine refuses to follow the party, chucks a spear instead with minor damage to the tunnel walls.

Round 6

(party wins initiative)

10                   Cadra uses a granted power and casts spiritual hammer. Unfortunately, Palmarine can no longer be seen at the tunnel entrance. Q manages to get out of the hole carrying:

* potion of heroism

* potion of flying

* scroll invisibility to undead

Round 7

(party wins initiative)

11                   Q’s momma raised no fool, so Q knows Palmarine is waiting to ambush them as they come out. So Q drinks the potion of flying, leaving the potion of heroism for Cadra.

12                   Cadra closes the Portable Hole while concentrating on the spiritual hammer.

Round 8

(party wins initiative)

13                   Q flies out of the tunnel while facing upwards. Q is expecting an axe blow. Sure enough, an axe is swung at Q’s head. Q is ready to block but Palmarine misses (maybe it was the good Palmarine trying to retake control that caused the miss). Q stands to his feet and slashes Palmarine twice, forcing Palmarine back a square. Q follows Plamarine as he forces him back. This leaves room for Cadra to come out safely after he finishes drinking the potion of heroism.

Round 9

(DM wins initiative)

14                   The cavalry arrive as the Monster summoning VI finally works.

15                   The Ottyugh hits Palmarine from behind and grapples him. Palmarine tries to break free ( Opposed strength check was a tie). Q watches in awe as the wyvern flies off to attack the undead. The Pyrolisk stares at something. Q summarises that it must be using some sort of gaze attack.

Round 10

16                   Cadra chucks the portable hole and a +2 mace at Q. Q nods, knowing what he has to do. Cadra will create a diversion while Q tries to recover his fallen comrades. Q flies off landing near the dead Crayon and the barely alive Hellyeah. Cadra moves into battlewhile concentrating on the spiritual hammer.

17                   Amongst the chaos the Wyvern starts attacking and the Pyrolisks gazes at another victim.

18                   The Ottyugh bites Palmarine and slams him. Palmarine cannot break free yet. Luckily Palmarine is not affected by the Ottyugh’s poison.

Round 11

(DM wins initiative)

19                   Q picks up Crayon and Hellyeah and flies them towards the top of the stairs.

20                   Cadra uses his spiritual hammer to hit an Electrical Skeleton and kills it. Out of the corner of his eye, Cadra can see the Wyvern carrying off two electrical skeletons.

Round 12

(DM wins initiative)

21                   Q drops Crayon and Hellyeah at top off stairs and flies back into room at 20’ height. He hopes to avoid being hit. An electrical skeleton swings at Cadra but he blocks the blow and counters with his a powerful blow. Meanwhile, the Wyvern drops the two electrical skeletons, killing one of them. Apparently, they’re immune to most things except gravity.

Round 13

(DM wins initiative)

22                   Q moving cadra hits and kills skeleton. Wyvern moves. Palmerin breaks free of OTT. Ott misses Palm.

Round 14 (27) part wins int DM slowed

23                   Q flying. Lands near Byron, Ballard and Crayon’s stuff, notice s huge statues in recess on both sides of room (later when resting Q starts to think that each time their was two people possessed and there were two statues. Could they be connected?). Nothing has been taken, then to his shock he realises the evil objects have been taken.

24                   cadra one square adjustment and hits

Round 15 (28) Dm wins int. Party slowed

25                   Q opens hold. Cadra hits Palmarine. Palmarine one square adjustment hits Cadra.

26                   ES moves, hits Cadra . cadra tries to block but rolls a 20 (would only fail on 1 or 20)

27                   Wyvern attacks A.S, Pyro burns A.S, Ott moves down stares into compat

Round 16

28                   Q sheaths Byrons sword drags him in hole. Cadra changes from withdrawing. Hits Palmarine takes him to -2 then kills skeletons.

29                   Palmarine fails save verses death magic. Uses 1cp to remake save (he would have internally combusted if he hadn’t saved).

Round 17

30                   Cadra binds Plamarine wounds. Q sheaths Ballards sword and takes off Zhi Bow and pushes Ballards body into hole.

Round 18

31                   Pyro destroys last skeleton. Q scoops Crayon’s stuff into hole, first puts Crayon’s braces of defence into his own pouch ( to use as they offer better AC). Cadra pickes up Palmarine and moves

Round 19

32                   Q closes hole. Q puts on Crayon’s braces. Cadra puts on boots of Hapi and Arm of Edor

What happened next? This is what Ivan thinks happened:

33                   The dead characters are put into the hole. The unconscious members are either being carried or in the hole making regular stops to replenish the air.

34                   Cadra and Q retreat back to the room which has become the party regular hold up spot. The two take as many precaution as they can, thinking they may be followed. If the fly potion is still in effect than Q will be thankful he doesn’t have to make another climbing check.

35                   When in the room. Q goes on guard while Cadra sleeps to relearn spells. Palmarine and Medinet are bound and gagged.

36                   The party looks as follow:

37                   Cadra or Q uses Ressurection scroll to resurrect Crayon. While dead Esscencia said that if the party was successful she would ensure everyone goes up a level (to the same spot in the next level).

38                   Cadra and Q make sure that Palmarine is unpossessed before releasing him. Plamarine and Hellyeah rest up for 24 hours. They are no longer weak. In this time Cadra has been healing people up. Crayon has been learning spells .

39                   Somewheer along the line three raise dead were cast. The party may have used the hand of Esscencia to cast a sixth level spell (Heal). I think the party also cast uplift spell with Crayon casting another heal. This was to spead up the healing of the party. In this time, magic items were sawapped, strategies formed and weapons sharpened. If the DM allows there may have been some other spells cast ( eg Stone Skin, Imporved Barkskin, Unfailing endurance, etc).